The present book highlights, considers and discusses various contemporary issues relating to women from a variety of different perspectives which are more relevant and debatable in present scenario like corrective rape, date rape, marital rape, honour killing, gender justice, acid attack, domestic violence etc. along with the judicial pronouncements of Hon’ble Courts. It is hoped that the present edition of this book will be beneficial to all concerned of the society, in general; and students, lawyers, advocates, academicians, institutions dealing with women related issues and NGOs working in this field, in particular.
Published from Global Publishing House (India), Vishakhapatnam. Regional Office-House No. 4, Bye Lane-7, New Sarania, Gandhi Basti, Guwahati-781003 (Assam). For book, Mr. P.S. Rao, Mobile No. 09854661570 may be contacted at Guwahati address.